CAPSOL-T ® | A Food Based Supplement

CAPSOL-T ® is a natural alternative in the fight against abnormal cell growth.


This new and amazing food based dietary supplement has great potential to help people! CAPSOL-T ® inhibits the growth and division of abnormal cells by using decaffeinated green tea extract and red chili pepper extract.

CAPSOL-T ® | How It Works

  • Scientists from the American Society of Cell Biology identified the abnormal cell growth protein tNOX (ENOX2).
  • The protein tNOX (ENOX2) is only found in abnormal cells; not normal cells.
  • The “bad” cells tNOX (ENOX2) can be blocked by something called Quinone site inhibitors.
  • CAPSOL-T ® is made with two known Quinone site inhibitors: One is from green tea and the other from red chili peppers.
  • These inhibitors block the abnormal cell’s ability to grow big enough for cell division. The great news: If the bad cells can’t grow, they die.

Green Tea Extract | Green Tea in CAPSOL-T ®

This concentrated green tea formula called TeaFense TM provides approximately 100-times the energy of regular green tea with absolutely no caffeine. One CAPSOL-T ® has been proven in laboratory studies as the equivalent of drinking 16 cups of green tea!

Green Tea Extract Health Benefits

  • The chemicals in green tea intensify fat oxidation.
  • Regulates glucose levels after eating, helping to prevent high sugar level spikes and fat storage.
  • Green tea is good for your heart. It makes your blood vessels more elastic, which helps you handle changes in blood pressure. Green tea may even help protect against the formulation of clots.
  • Green tea contains a high quantity of antioxidants which help fight off illnesses, disease, and premature aging.

Chili Pepper Extract | Chili Pepper in CAPSOL-T ®

Chili Peppers aren’t just for spicing up your food! As a matter of fact, the World Health Organization notes a much lower death-rate caused by abnormal cell growth in countries, like Mexico and Thailand, with diets high in the consumption of chili peppers.

Chili Pepper Extract Health Benefits

  • Chili peppers provide a rich source of Vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant.
  • And Vitamin C helps make collagen, which is required for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones.
  • Because Chili Pepper contains minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium, it nourishes every system of the body.
  • It supports and stimulates the digestive tract by helping your body metabolize food and eliminate toxins.
  • Chili Pepper helps stimulate the intestines by helping with digestion and elimination.


Safe / GMP



Kills Abnormal Cells By Contact

No Effect On Normal Cells

Food Grade



Targeted to ENOX2

Intervention Coupled With ONCOblotSM Test